
var _ = require('../util').lodash,
    url_parse = require('postman-url-encoder/parser').parse,
    PropertyBase = require('./property-base').PropertyBase,
    QueryParam = require('./query-param').QueryParam,
    PropertyList = require('./property-list').PropertyList,
    VariableList = require('./variable-list').VariableList,

    E = '',
    STRING = 'string',
    FUNCTION = 'function',
    PROTOCOL_HTTPS = 'https',
    PROTOCOL_HTTP = 'http',
    HTTPS_PORT = '443',
    HTTP_PORT = '80',


    MATCH_1 = '$1',

    regexes = {
        trimPath: /^\/((.+))$/,
        splitDomain: /\.(?![^{]*\}{2})/g



     * Defines a URL.
     * @constructor
     * @extends {PropertyBase}
     * @param {Object|String} options -
    Url = function PostmanUrl (options) {
        // this constructor is intended to inherit and as such the super constructor is required to be executed
        Url.super_.apply(this, arguments);

        // create the url properties
    }), PropertyBase);

_.assign(Url.prototype, /** @lends Url.prototype */ {
     * Set a URL.
     * @draft
     * @param {String|Object} url -
    update (url) {
        !url && (url = E);
        var parsedUrl = _.isString(url) ? Url.parse(url) : url,
            auth = parsedUrl.auth,
            protocol = parsedUrl.protocol,
            port = parsedUrl.port,
            path = parsedUrl.path,
            hash = parsedUrl.hash,
            host =,
            query = parsedUrl.query,
            variable = parsedUrl.variable;

        // convert object based query string to array
        // @todo: create a key value parser
        if (query) {
            if (_.isString(query)) {
                query = QueryParam.parse(query);

            if (!_.isArray(query) && _.keys(query).length) {
                query =, function (key) {
                    return {
                        key: key,
                        value: query[key]

        // backward compatibility with path variables being storing thins with `id`
        if (_.isArray(variable)) {
            variable =, function (v) {
                _.isObject(v) && (v.key = v.key ||; // @todo Remove once path variables are deprecated

                return v;

        // expand string path name
        if (_.isString(path)) {
            path && (path = path.replace(regexes.trimPath, MATCH_1)); // remove leading slash for valid path
            // if path is blank string, we set it to undefined, if '/' then single blank string array
            path = path ? (path === PATH_SEPARATOR ? [E] : path.split(PATH_SEPARATOR)) : undefined;

        // expand host string
        _.isString(host) && (host = host.split(regexes.splitDomain));

        _.assign(this, /** @lends Url.prototype */ {
             * @type {{ user: String, password: String }}
            auth: auth,

             * @type {String}
            protocol: protocol,

             * @type {String}
            port: port,

             * @type {Array<String>}
            path: path,

             * @type {String}
            hash: hash,

             * @type {Array<String>}
            host: host,

             * @type {PropertyList<QueryParam>}
             * @todo consider setting this as undefined in v4 otherwise it's
             * difficult to detect URL like `localhost/?`.
             * currently it's replying upon a single member with empty key.
            query: new PropertyList(QueryParam, this, query || []),

             * @type {VariableList}
            variables: new VariableList(this, variable || [])

     * Add query parameters to the URL.
     * @param {Object|String} params Key value pairs to add to the URL.
    addQueryParams (params) {
        params = _.isString(params) ? QueryParam.parse(params) : params;

     * Removes query parameters from the URL.
     * @param {Array<QueryParam>|Array<String>|String} params Params should be an array of strings, or an array of
     * actual query parameters, or a string containing the parameter key.
     * @note Input should *not* be a query string.
    removeQueryParams (params) {
        params = _.isArray(params) ?, function (param) {
            return param.key ? param.key : param;
        }) : [params];
        this.query.remove(function (param) {
            return _.includes(params, param.key);

     * @private
     * @deprecated discontinued in v4.0
    getRaw () {
        throw new Error('`Url#getRaw` has been discontinued, use `Url#toString` instead.');

     * Unparses a {PostmanUrl} into a string.
     * @param {Boolean=} forceProtocol - Forces the URL to have a protocol
     * @returns {String}
    toString (forceProtocol) {
        var rawUrl = E,
            protocol = this.protocol,

        forceProtocol && !protocol && (protocol = DEFAULT_PROTOCOL);

        if (protocol) {
            rawUrl += (_.endsWith(protocol, PROTOCOL_SEPARATOR) ? protocol : protocol + PROTOCOL_SEPARATOR);

        if (this.auth) {
            if (typeof this.auth.user === STRING) {
                authString = this.auth.user;

            if (typeof this.auth.password === STRING) {
                !authString && (authString = E);
                authString += AUTH_SEPARATOR + this.auth.password;

            if (typeof authString === STRING) {
                rawUrl += authString + AUTH_CREDENTIALS_SEPARATOR;

        if ( {
            rawUrl += this.getHost();

        if (typeof _.get(this.port, 'toString') === FUNCTION) {
            rawUrl += PORT_SEPARATOR + this.port.toString();

        if (this.path) {
            rawUrl += this.getPath();

        if (this.query && this.query.count()) {
            queryString = this.getQueryString();

            // either all the params are disabled or a single param is like { key: '' } (http://localhost?)
            // in that case, query separator ? must be included in the raw URL.
            // @todo return undefined or string from getQueryString method to distinguish
            // no params vs empty param.
            if (queryString === E) {
                // check if there's any enabled param, if so, set queryString to empty string
                // otherwise (all disabled), it will be set as undefined
                queryString = this.query.find(function (param) { return !(param && param.disabled); }) && E;

            if (typeof queryString === STRING) {
                rawUrl += QUERY_SEPARATOR + queryString;

        if (typeof this.hash === STRING) {
            rawUrl += SEARCH_SEPARATOR + this.hash;

        return rawUrl;

     * Returns the request path, with a leading '/'.
     * @param {?Boolean=} [unresolved=false] -
     * @returns {String}
    getPath (unresolved) {
        // for unresolved case, this is super simple as that is how raw data is stored
        if (unresolved) {
            return PATH_SEPARATOR + this.path.join(PATH_SEPARATOR);

        var self = this,

        segments = _.transform(this.path, function (res, segment) {
            var variable;

            // check if the segment has path variable prefix followed by the variable name.
            if (_.startsWith(segment, PATH_VARIABLE_IDENTIFIER) && segment !== PATH_VARIABLE_IDENTIFIER) {
                variable =; // remove path variable prefix.

            variable = variable && variable.valueOf && variable.valueOf();
            res.push(_.isString(variable) ? variable : segment);
        }, []);

        return PATH_SEPARATOR + segments.join(PATH_SEPARATOR); // add leading slash

     * Returns the stringified query string for this URL.
     * @returns {String}
    getQueryString () {
        if (!this.query.count()) {
            return E;

        return QueryParam.unparse(this.query.all());

     * Returns the complete path, including the query string.
     * @returns {*|String}
     * @example /something/postman?hi=notbye
    getPathWithQuery () {
        var path = this.getPath();

        // check count first so that, we can ensure that ba `?` is always appended, even if a blank query string exists
        if (this.query.count()) {
            path += (QUERY_SEPARATOR + this.getQueryString());

        return path;

     * Returns the host part of the URL
     * @returns {String}
    getHost () {
        if (! {
            return E;

        return _.isArray( ? :;

     * Returns the host *and* port (if any), separated by a ":"
     * @param {?Boolean} [forcePort=false] - forces the port to be added even for the protocol default ones (89, 443)
     * @returns {String}
    getRemote (forcePort) {
        var host = this.getHost(),
            port = this.port && this.port.toString();

        if (forcePort && !port) { // this (!port) works since it assumes port as a string
            port = this.protocol && (this.protocol === PROTOCOL_HTTPS) ? HTTPS_PORT : HTTP_PORT;

        return port ? (host + PORT_SEPARATOR + port) : host;

     * Returns a OAuth1.0-a compatible representation of the request URL, also called "Base URL".
     * For details,
     * todo: should we ignore the auth parameters of the URL or not? (the standard does not mention them)
     * we currently are.
     * @private
     * @returns {String}
     * @deprecated since v3.5 in favour of getBaseUrl
     * @note not discontinue yet because it's used in Twitter APIs public collections
    getOAuth1BaseUrl () {
        var protocol = this.protocol || PROTOCOL_HTTP,
            port = this.port ? this.port.toString() : undefined,
            host = ((port === HTTP_PORT ||
                port === HTTPS_PORT ||
                port === undefined) && || ( +
                    PORT_SEPARATOR + port),
            path = this.getPath();

        protocol = (_.endsWith(protocol, PROTOCOL_SEPARATOR) ? protocol : protocol + PROTOCOL_SEPARATOR);

        return protocol.toLowerCase() + host.toLowerCase() + path;

_.assign(Url, /** @lends Url */ {

     * Defines the name of this property for internal use.
     * @private
     * @readOnly
     * @type {String}
    _postman_propertyName: 'Url',

     * Parses a string to a PostmanUrl, decomposing the URL into it's constituent parts,
     * such as path, host, port, etc.
     * @param {String} url -
     * @returns {Object}
    parse: function (url) {
        url = url_parse(url);

        var pathVariables,
            pathVariableKeys = {};

        if (url.auth) {
            url.auth = {
                user: url.auth[0],
                password: url.auth[1]

        if (url.query) {
            url.query =;

        // extract path variables
        pathVariables = _.transform(url.path, function (res, segment) {
            // check if the segment has path variable prefix followed by the variable name and
            // the variable is not already added in the list.
            if (_.startsWith(segment, PATH_VARIABLE_IDENTIFIER) &&
                segment !== PATH_VARIABLE_IDENTIFIER &&
                !pathVariableKeys[segment]) {
                pathVariableKeys[segment] = true;
                res.push({ key: segment.slice(1) }); // remove path variable prefix.
        }, []);
        url.variable = pathVariables.length ? pathVariables : undefined;

        return url;

     * Checks whether an object is a Url
     * @param {*} obj -
     * @returns {Boolean}
    isUrl: function (obj) {
        return Boolean(obj) && ((obj instanceof Url) ||
            _.inSuperChain(obj.constructor, '_postman_propertyName', Url._postman_propertyName));

module.exports = {