
var _ = require('../util').lodash,
    PropertyBase = require('./property-base').PropertyBase,
    PropertyList = require('./property-list').PropertyList,
    QueryParam = require('./query-param').QueryParam,
    FormParam = require('./form-param').FormParam,

    EMPTY = '',


 * @typedef RequestBody.definition
 * @property {String} mode
 * @property {String} raw
 * @property {String} file
 * @property {Object} graphql
 * @property {Object[]} formdata
 * @property {Object[]|String} urlencoded

     * RequestBody holds data related to the request body. By default, it provides a nice wrapper for url-encoded,
     * form-data, and raw types of request bodies.
     * @constructor
     * @extends {PropertyBase}
     * @param {Object} options -
    RequestBody = function PostmanRequestBody (options) {
        // this constructor is intended to inherit and as such the super constructor is required to be executed
        RequestBody.super_.apply(this, arguments);
        if (!options) { return; } // in case definition object is missing, there is no point moving forward

    }), PropertyBase);

_.assign(RequestBody.prototype, /** @lends RequestBody.prototype */ {
     * Set the content of this request data
     * @param {Object} options -
    update (options) {
        _.isString(options) && (options = { mode: 'raw', raw: options });
        if (!options.mode) { return; } // need a valid mode @todo raise error?

        var mode = RequestBody.MODES[options.mode.toString().toLowerCase()] || RequestBody.MODES.raw,
            urlencoded = options.urlencoded,
            formdata = options.formdata,
            graphql = options.graphql,
            file = options.file,
            raw = options.raw;

        // Handle URL Encoded data
        if (options.urlencoded) {
            _.isString(options.urlencoded) && (urlencoded = QueryParam.parse(options.urlencoded));
            urlencoded = new PropertyList(QueryParam, this, urlencoded);

        // Handle Form data
        if (options.formdata) {
            formdata = new PropertyList(FormParam, this, options.formdata);

        // Handle GraphQL data
        if (options.graphql) {
            graphql = {
                query: graphql.query,
                operationName: graphql.operationName,
                variables: graphql.variables

        _.isString(options.file) && (file = { src: file });

        // If mode is raw but options does not give raw content, set it to empty string
        (mode === RequestBody.MODES.raw && !raw) && (raw = '');

        // If mode is urlencoded but options does not provide any content, set it to an empty property list
        (mode === RequestBody.MODES.urlencoded && !urlencoded) && (urlencoded = new PropertyList(QueryParam, this, []));

        // If mode is formdata but options does not provide any content, set it to an empty property list
        (mode === RequestBody.MODES.formdata && !formdata) && (formdata = new PropertyList(FormParam, this, []));

        // If mode is graphql but options does not provide any content, set empty query
        (mode === RequestBody.MODES.graphql && !graphql) && (graphql = {});

        _.assign(this, /** @lends RequestBody.prototype */ {

             * Indicates the type of request data to use.
             * @type {String}
            mode: mode,

             * If the request has raw body data associated with it, the data is held in this field.
             * @type {String}
            raw: raw,

             * Any URL encoded body params go here.
             * @type {PropertyList<QueryParam>}
            urlencoded: urlencoded,

             * Form data parameters for this request are held in this field.
             * @type {PropertyList<FormParam>}
            formdata: formdata,

             * Holds a reference to a file which should be read as the RequestBody. It can be a file path (when used
             * with Node) or a unique ID (when used with the browser).
             * @note The reference stored here should be resolved by a resolver function (which should be provided to
             * the Postman Runtime).
            file: file,

             * If the request has raw graphql data associated with it, the data is held in this field.
             * @type {Object}
            graphql: graphql,

             * If the request has body Options associated with it, the data is held in this field.
             * @type {Object}
            options: _.isObject(options.options) ? options.options : undefined,

             * Indicates whether to include body in request or not.
             * @type {Boolean}
            disabled: options.disabled

     * Stringifies and returns the request body.
     * @note FormData is not supported yet.
     * @returns {*}
    toString () {
        // Formdata. Goodluck.
        if (this.mode === RequestBody.MODES.formdata || this.mode === RequestBody.MODES.file) {
            // @todo: implement this, check if we need to return undefined or something.
            return EMPTY;

        if (this.mode === RequestBody.MODES.urlencoded) {
            return PropertyList.isPropertyList(this.urlencoded) ? QueryParam.unparse(this.urlencoded.all()) :
                ((this.urlencoded && _.isFunction(this.urlencoded.toString)) ? this.urlencoded.toString() : EMPTY);

        if (this.mode === RequestBody.MODES.raw) {
            return (this.raw && _.isFunction(this.raw.toString)) ? this.raw.toString() : EMPTY;

        return EMPTY;

     * If the request body is set to a mode, but does not contain data, then we should not be sending it.
     * @returns {Boolean}
    isEmpty () {
        var mode = this.mode,
            data = mode && this[mode];

        // bail out if there's no data for the selected mode
        if (!data) {
            return true;

        // Handle file mode
        // @note this is a legacy exception. ideally every individual data mode
        // in future would declare its "empty state".
        if (mode === RequestBody.MODES.file) {
            return !(data.src || data.content);

        if (_.isString(data)) {
            return (data.length === 0);

        if (_.isFunction(data.count)) { // handle for property lists
            return (data.count() === 0);

        return _.isEmpty(data); // catch all for remaining data modes

     * Convert the request body to JSON compatible plain object
     * @returns {Object}
    toJSON () {
        var obj = PropertyBase.toJSON(this);

        // make sure that file content is removed because it is non-serializable ReadStream
        _.unset(obj, 'file.content');

        return obj;

_.assign(RequestBody, /** @lends RequestBody **/{
     * Defines the name of this property for internal use.
     * @private
     * @readOnly
     * @type {String}
    _postman_propertyName: 'RequestBody',

     * @enum {string} MODES
    MODES: {
        file: 'file',
        formdata: 'formdata',
        graphql: 'graphql',
        raw: 'raw',
        urlencoded: 'urlencoded'

module.exports = {