Postman Galaxy Tour Workshop


Supporting resources for the 2020 Postman Galaxy Tour

View the Project on GitHub postmanlabs/galaxy-workshop

Prepare for Launch


In this section we’re going to create a workspace, import a collection, add a test, and run a collection.

1. Create a workspace

In the Postman app, create a personal or team workspace to organize your workshop output.

2. Import a collection

Postman collections let you organize groups of requests together with associated elements such as tests and documentation. You can create your own and import others.

We’ll import a few collections as we work through the topics. Having these in your Postman app will give you loads more requests to play around with after the session.

3. Test a request

Let’s add some test JavaScript code to the request.

4. Run a collection

You can run all of the requests in a collection or folder using the collection runner.

Your request tests need to be saved to appear in the collection runner so remember to hit Save in the requests.

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In this section we tried out:


Shout out any questions you have on what we covered in this section around collections, variables, tests, or the collection runner.

Additional resources

Check out the Postman docs for more on these topics:

See also:

Next steps

Next up: Final Countdown