
var _ = require('lodash'),
    backpack = require('../backpack'),
    Run = require('./run'),
    extractRunnableItems = require('./extract-runnable-items').extractRunnableItems,


    defaultTimeouts = {
        global: 3 * 60 * 1000, // 3 minutes
        request: Infinity,
        script: Infinity

 * @typedef {runCallback}
 * @property {Function} [done]
 * @property {Function} [error]
 * @property {Function} [success]

 * @constructor
 * @param {Object} [options]
Runner = function PostmanCollectionRunner (options) {
    this.options = _.assign({}, options);

_.assign(Runner.prototype, {
     * Prepares `run` config by combining `runner` config with given run options.
     * @param {Object} [options]
     * @param {Object} [options.timeout]
     * @param {Object} []
     * @param {Object} [options.timeout.request]
     * @param {Object} [options.timeout.script]
    prepareRunConfig: function (options) {
        // combine runner config and make a copy
        var runOptions = _.merge(_.omit(options, ['environment', 'globals', 'data']), || {};

        // start timeout sanitization
        !runOptions.timeout && (runOptions.timeout = {});

        _.mergeWith(runOptions.timeout, defaultTimeouts, function (userTimeout, defaultTimeout) {
            // non numbers, Infinity and missing values are set to default
            if (!_.isFinite(userTimeout)) { return defaultTimeout; }

            // 0 and negative numbers are set to Infinity, which only leaves positive numbers
            return userTimeout > 0 ? userTimeout : Infinity;

        return runOptions;

     * Runs a collection or a folder.
     * @param {Collection} collection
     * @param {Object} [options]
     * @param {Array.<Item>} options.items
     * @param {Array.<Object>}  []
     * @param {Object} [options.globals]
     * @param {Object} [options.environment]
     * @param {Number} [options.iterationCount]
     * @param {CertificateList} [options.certificates]
     * @param {ProxyConfigList} [options.proxies]
     * @param {Array} []
     * @param {Object} [options.entrypoint]
     * @param {String} [options.entrypoint.execute] ID of the item-group to be run.
     * Can be Name if `entrypoint.lookupStrategy` is `idOrName`
     * @param {String} [options.entrypoint.lookupStrategy=idOrName] strategy to lookup the entrypoint [idOrName, path]
     * @param {Array<String>} [options.entrypoint.path] path to lookup
     * @param {Object} [] Run-specific options, such as options related to the host
     * @param {Function} callback
    run: function (collection, options, callback) {
        var self = this,
            runOptions = this.prepareRunConfig(options);

        callback = backpack.normalise(callback);
        !_.isObject(options) && (options = {});

        // @todo make the extract runnables interface better defined and documented
        // - give the ownership of error to each strategy lookup functions
        // - think about moving these codes into an extension command prior to waterfall
        // - the third argument in callback that returns control, is ambiguous and can be removed if error is controlled
        //   by each lookup function.
        // - the interface can be further broken down to have the "flattenNode" action be made common and not be
        //   required to be coded in each lookup strategy
        // serialise the items into a linear array based on the lookup strategy provided as input
        extractRunnableItems(collection, options.entrypoint, function (err, runnableItems, entrypoint) {
            if (err || !runnableItems) { return callback(new Error('Error fetching run items')); }

            // Bail out only if: abortOnError is set and the returned entrypoint is invalid
            if (options.abortOnError && !entrypoint) {
                // eslint-disable-next-line max-len
                return callback(new Error(`Unable to find a folder or request: ${_.get(options, 'entrypoint.execute')}`));

            return callback(null, (new Run({
                items: runnableItems,
                data: Runner.normaliseIterationData(, options.iterationCount),
                environment: options.environment,
                globals: _.has(options, 'globals') ? options.globals : self.options.globals,
                // @todo Move to item level to support Item and ItemGroup variables
                collectionVariables: collection.variables,
                certificates: options.certificates,
                proxies: options.proxies
            }, runOptions)));

_.assign(Runner, {
     * Expose Run instance for testability
     * @type {Run}
    Run: Run,

     * @private
     * @param {Array} data
     * @param {Number} length
     * @returns {Array}
    normaliseIterationData: function (data, length) {
        !_.isArray(data) && (data = [{}]);
        ((length < 1) || !_.isFinite(length)) && (length = data.length);

        // if the iteration count is greater than the length of data, we repeat the last item in data. here, we are
        // using a for-loop so that we do not have excessive spatial complexity
        if (length > data.length) {
            for (var i = data.length, filler = data[i - 1]; i < length; i++) {
                data[i] = filler;

        // just to be sure that there are no extra items in array, we match the lengths and return the data
        data.length = length;
        return data;

module.exports = Runner;