
var _ = require('../util').lodash,
    Property = require('./property').Property,
    PropertyBase = require('./property-base').PropertyBase,
    Url = require('./url').Url,
    UrlMatchPatternList = require('../url-pattern/url-match-pattern-list').UrlMatchPatternList,

    STRING = 'string',
    HTTPS = 'https',


 * The following is the object representation accepted as param for the Certificate constructor.
 * Also the type of the object returned when {@link Property#toJSON} or {@link Property#toObjectResolved} is called on a
 * Certificate instance.
 * @typedef Certificate.definition
 * @property {String} [name] A name for the certificate
 * @property {Array} [matches] A list of match patterns
 * @property {{ src: (String) }} [key] Object with path on the file system for private key file, as src
 * @property {{ src: (String) }} [cert] Object with path on the file system for certificate file, as src
 * @property {String} [passphrase] The passphrase for the certificate key
 * @example <caption>JSON definition of an example certificate object</caption>
 * {
 *     "name": "My certificate for",
 *     "matches": ["*"],
 *     "key": { "src": "/path/to/key" },
 *     "cert": { "src": "/User/path/to/certificate" },
 *     "passphrase": "iampassphrase"
 * }

     * A Certificate definition that represents the ssl certificate
     * to be used for an url.
     * Properties can then use the `.toObjectResolved` function to procure an object representation of the property with
     * all the variable references replaced by corresponding values.
     * @constructor
     * @extends {Property}
     * @param {Certificate.definition=} [options] Object with matches, key, cert and passphrase
     * @example <caption> Create a new Certificate</caption>
     * var Certificate = require('postman-collection').Certificate,
     *    certificate = new Certificate({
     *     name: 'Certificate for',
     *     matches: [''],
     *     key: { src: '/User/path/to/certificate/key' },
     *     cert: { src: '/User/path/to/certificate' },
     *     passphrase: 'iampassphrase'
     * });
    Certificate = function Certificate (options) {
        // this constructor is intended to inherit and as such the super constructor is required to be executed
        Certificate.super_.apply(this, arguments);

    }), Property);

_.assign(Certificate.prototype, /** @lends Certificate.prototype */ {
     * Ensure all object have id
     * @private
    _postman_propertyRequiresId: true,

     * Updates the certificate with the given properties.
     * @param {Certificate.definition=} [options] Object with matches, key, cert and passphrase
    update: function (options) {
        // return early if options is empty or invalid
        if (!_.isObject(options)) {

        _.mergeDefined(this, /** @lends Certificate.prototype */ {
             * Unique identifier
             * @type {String}

             * Name for user reference
             * @type {String}

             * List of match pattern
             * @type {UrlMatchPatternList}
            matches: options.matches && new UrlMatchPatternList({}, options.matches),

             * Private Key
             * @type {{ src: (string) }}
            key: _.isObject(options.key) ? options.key : { src: options.key },

             * Certificate
             * @type {{ src: (string) }}
            cert: _.isObject(options.cert) ? options.cert : { src: options.cert },

             * PFX or PKCS12 Certificate
             * @type {{ src: (string) }}
            pfx: _.isObject(options.pfx) ? options.pfx : { src: options.pfx },

             * passphrase
             * @type {Object}
            passphrase: options.passphrase

     * Checks if the certificate can be applied to a given url
     * @param {String|Url} url The url string for which the certificate is checked for match.
    canApplyTo: function (url) {
        if (_.isEmpty(url)) {
            return false;

        // convert url strings to Url
        (typeof url === STRING) && (url = new Url(url));

        // this ensures we don't proceed any further for any protocol
        // that is not https
        if (url.protocol !== HTTPS) {
            return false;

        // test the input url against allowed matches
        return this.matches.test(url);

     * Allows the serialization of a {@link Certificate}
     * This is overridden, in order to ensure that certificate contents are not accidentally serialized,
     * which can be a security risk.
    toJSON: function () {
        var obj = PropertyBase.toJSON(this);

        _.unset(obj, 'key.value');
        _.unset(obj, 'cert.value');
        _.unset(obj, 'pfx.value');

        return obj;

_.assign(Certificate, /** @lends Certificate */ {
     * Defines the name of this property for internal use
     * @private
     * @readOnly
     * @type {String}
    _postman_propertyName: 'Certificate',

     * Specify the key to be used while indexing this object
     * @private
     * @readOnly
     * @type {String}
    _postman_propertyIndexKey: 'id',

     * Checks if the given object is a Certificate
     * @param {*} obj -
     * @returns {Boolean}
    isCertificate: function (obj) {
        return Boolean(obj) && ((obj instanceof Certificate) ||
            _.inSuperChain(obj.constructor, '_postman_propertyName', Certificate._postman_propertyName));

module.exports = {